Therapeutic Coaching for Founders and Entrepreneurs

Are you a start-up founder navigating the relentless pressures of launching a company? An entrepreneur scaling up and feeling the weight of increased responsibilities? A business professional balancing high-stakes decisions with personal life challenges? Therapeutic Coaching can help your professional aspirations and personal well-being to coexist harmoniously.

What is Therapeutic Coaching?

Therapeutic coaching is a dynamic blend of coaching and therapy, specifically designed to cater to the unique challenges that high-achieving individuals face in demanding fields. Unlike traditional coaching, which primarily focuses on goal-setting and performance, therapeutic coaching goes beyond the surface to delve into your emotional and psychological well-being.

It’s a comprehensive approach that addresses underlying issues such as anxiety, burnout, depression, and relationship challenges, ensuring a holistic approach to your personal and professional growth.

The Mental Health Struggles of Founders & Entrepreneurs

The pressures and demands of building a company can take an immense toll on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. A recent survey highlights just how pervasive the mental health challenges are in the startup world.

Nearly half (45%) of founders admitted that they would describe their current mental health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. A staggering 85% said they had experienced high levels of stress over the past year. And a full 75% reported suffering from bouts of anxiety during that same timeframe.

The unrelenting grind of entrepreneurship — the long hours, the responsibility of leading a team, the fundraising pressures, the make-or-break moments — it all adds up. Founders shoulder an incredible weight, which can trigger anxiety, depression, burnout and other mental health issues if not proactively managed.

This is precisely why therapeutic coaching tailored specifically to the founder’s journey is so critical. Having an experienced professional in your corner to provide counselling, coping strategies, stress management techniques, and more can be a lifeline during the turbulent startup voyage. With the right support system in place, founders can safeguard their mental well-being while pursuing their bold ambitions.

Areas of Support & Specialisation

I offer a range of specialised services designed to support your journey towards success and well-being:

  • Anxiety Management - Understand and manage anxiety through techniques that promote calm, clarity, and confidence.

  • Burnout Prevention - Identify early signs of burnout and implement strategies to maintain energy, motivation, and joy in your work.

  • Relationship Counselling - Enhance communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen personal and professional relationships.

  • Depression Support - Develop coping mechanisms and therapeutic strategies to manage and overcome depressive symptoms.

  • Loneliness and Isolation - Combat feelings of loneliness and build meaningful connections both personally and professionally.

  • Goal Setting and Achievement - Define clear, achievable goals and create actionable plans to reach them, maintaining balance and well-being.

Benefits of Working with a Therapeutic Coach

  • Holistic Well-Being - Experience a comprehensive approach that nurtures both your personal and professional life.

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness - Gain deeper insights into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, leading to more informed decision-making.

  • Improved Relationships - Develop stronger, healthier relationships through improved communication and understanding.

  • Resilience Building - Cultivate resilience to navigate the ups and downs of your career and personal life.

  • Sustainable Success - Achieve long-term success by addressing the root causes of stress and burnout rather than just the symptoms.

What to Expect When Working with a Therapeutic Coach

Working with a therapeutic coach is a collaborative, supportive, and empowering experience. Here’s what you can expect:

Receive a Personalised Approach

Every coaching session is a unique experience, tailored to your specific needs, goals, and challenges. I use evidence-based techniques and interventions to provide you with the most effective support for your growth.

Enter into a Safe and Confidential Space

Our sessions provide a safe, nonjudgmental environment in which you can explore your thoughts and feelings openly, fostering a sense of security and trust in your therapeutic coaching journey.

Get Actionable Insights

I provide practical tools and strategies that you can apply immediately to improve your well-being and performance.

Receive Continuous Support

Beyond our sessions, you can access resources and support to help you stay on track and motivated.

Case Studies

These case studies are composites created to protect the confidentiality of my clients. They represent real-life issues and challenges.

Meet Sarah, a Visionary Leader

Sarah, the founder of a tech start-up, came to me feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of securing funding, managing her team, and meeting product deadlines. The constant stress was affecting her sleep, relationships, and overall happiness.

Therapeutic Coaching Journey

Through our sessions, Sarah learned to identify and manage her anxiety triggers. We worked on developing a healthy work-life balance and implemented mindfulness techniques to reduce stress. Sarah also explored her leadership style, improving her communication skills and team dynamics.


Sarah now leads with confidence and clarity. Her improved well-being has increased productivity and creativity, fostering a positive work environment and driving her company towards success.

Meet James, the Ambitious Builder

James, an entrepreneur scaling his company, struggled with transitioning from a small team to a larger organisation. The growing responsibilities and high expectations were taking a toll on his mental health and personal life.

Therapeutic Coaching Journey

I focused on helping James manage his time effectively and delegate tasks to trusted team members. Addressing his isolation, James learned to build supportive networks within and outside his company. We also worked on setting realistic goals and celebrating achievements to maintain motivation.


James now enjoys a more balanced life, with improved relationships at work and at home. His ability to delegate and trust his team has accelerated his company’s growth, and he feels a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in his journey.

Meet Emily, the High-Stakes Decision Maker

Emily, a business executive, faced immense pressure from her job’s high-stakes nature. The constant demand for perfection and the fear of making mistakes led to anxiety and the risk of burnout.

Therapeutic Coaching Journey

In our sessions, Emily learned techniques to manage her anxiety and prevent burnout. We explored her perfectionist tendencies and developed strategies to embrace a growth mindset. Emily also improved her work-life balance, ensuring she made time for self-care and relaxation.


Emily now approaches her work with a calm and focused mindset. She has built resilience and developed a healthier relationship with her career, leading to better performance and job satisfaction.

Take the Next Step Towards a Balanced and Successful Life

I am dedicated to helping start-up founders, entrepreneurs, and business professionals thrive in every aspect of their lives. Whether you’re facing anxiety, burnout, or any other challenge, I can support you every step of the way. Join me, and let’s build a future where you can excel and find joy in your journey.

Take the first step towards a more balanced and successful life by booking a free 20-minute consultation today. This is your opportunity to discuss your goals and discover how our collaborative and empowering therapeutic coaching can support you.

Feel free to ask any questions or learn more about my services. I look forward to working with you and supporting your path to success and well-being.

Are you ready to transform your professional and personal life?

Contact me →


Sifted. (2024). 49% of founders say they’re considering quitting their startup this year. [online] Available at: