Hypnosis for Overcoming Self-Abandonment


Included in the Empowered Confidence Hypnosis Bundle →

Are you ready to break free from the chains of self-abandonment and embark on a journey towards profound self-love?

Break free from the cycle of self-abandonment and rediscover the profound love and acceptance you deserve. This digital download is crafted to guide you on a powerful journey towards healing, fostering a deep connection with yourself and promoting lasting self-love.

This digital download provides a convenient and effective means to reprogram your subconscious mind, empowering you to embrace your worth and prioritise self-care. Your path to healing and empowerment awaits – are you ready to reclaim it?

Audio length: 10 minutes

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Who is this hypnosis audio for?

This hypnosis audio is crafted for individuals who find themselves grappling with self-abandonment and yearning for a transformative journey towards profound self-love. If you're ready to break free from negative patterns and prioritise self-care, this audio is designed to guide you through the process of reconnecting with your inner self. Whether you're navigating the complexities of self-acceptance or seeking a path to lasting self-love, this hypnosis audio is your companion on the journey toward healing, empowerment, and embracing the love and acceptance you truly deserve.

How will I get access to the audio?

You will receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. You don’t need to download any special apps, simply click the link and download to a device of your choosing.

How long is this hypnosis?

This hypnosis audio is 10 minutes. Set aside approximately 20 minutes to listen to the audio and relax or reflect after listening.

How often should I listen?

Listen for at least 21 days, once a day, to get the maximum effect, but you can also listen whenever you need to feel good about yourself. Make sure you listen to the audio daily for the best results. Each time you listen, you may feel or experience something different.

How should I listen?

Listen to the audio in a comfortable position, either sitting in a slightly reclined position or lying down with your head supported by a pillow. For the best experience, wear headphones. Do not listen to a hypnosis audio while driving or in a situation where your attention is needed.

Are hypnosis audios a replacement for therapy?

Hypnosis audios are personal development and self-improvement tools, not intended to replace traditional healthcare. They are not a replacement for therapy.

Are hypnosis audios right for everyone?

Hypnosis is contraindicated for those with Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, or Psychosis. If you are concerned about any aspect of your physical or mental well-being, consult with your physician before downloading any digital hypnosis audios. Please be aware that success cannot be guaranteed, and results may vary from person to person.

Get instant access

Once downloaded, it’s yours to keep, and you can get started instantly. You can listen to your session on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Music: composed by Music Of Wisdom - Licensed from Meditation Music Library