Here’s where I share insights and tools to help you feel better and create a calm, authentic, and joyful life. If you’d like to know when I release new resources, sign up for my newsletter.
Discover Your Essence Guided Visualisation
Your essence is your fundamental nature and what makes you uniquely you. It transcends time and is always with you, from infancy throughout your adult life.
How to Listen to Hypnosis Recordings
Listening to hypnosis audio recordings can be a good way to independently explore and reprogram your unconscious beliefs and patterns. Each time you listen, you may feel, see, or experience something different.
Sleep Better with Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation
Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep) is a powerful and gentle self-care tool to access the deep levels of peace and tranquillity. Listen to this recording before bed to bring your body into a state of calm before drifting off to sleep.
Mountain Meditation
The Mountain Meditation helps us access our inner strength. It reveals our ability to remain stable when faced with stressful and challenging circumstances, both internal and external.
Calm in the Chaos — A Guided Body Scan Meditation for Stress Relief
Take a few moments to relax. This meditation can be done seated or laying down on a yoga mat or bed.