
It’s not uncommon to struggle with the ability to focus.

I work with clients who are struggling with anxiety and low mood, and for some, the current events of the pandemic have exaggerated these symptoms and feelings.

The trouble with focus

Challenge — ‘There’s too much going on’

At times, the rolling lockdowns and restrictions can create a feeling of overwhelm and expanded responsibility.

We’re juggling new roles and adjusting to unfamiliar rules. With so much going on, our attention is stretched to its limit. Time slips away and feelings of anxiety can stir.

Challenge — ‘Time is a meaningless expanse’

In other ways, the changes to our daily lives have created a sense of endless time. Things we had planned have disintegrated and calendars can no longer be trusted.

Days are edgeless periods that blend into weeks that stretch in months. Things change in slow motion. In this space, the mind can wander and move into loops of worry, rumination, and despondency.

Mindfulness for focus

Mindfulness can help us manage the overwhelm and meet ourselves in the expanse.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment. It includes calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations without judgement.

Focus is essential to being mindful. It’s the place to begin reconnecting with our direct experience.

Benefits of focused attention

More enjoyment

Being present to enjoy the moment for what it offers. We might not have planned for this, but there are still moments of joy to be found in conversations, nourishment, and nature.

Better learning outcomes

Research has shown that adult neuroplasticity improves with alternating periods of focused attention and rest. As we age, it’s helpful to know that we can still continue to learn and grow by making use of good techniques.

Task and goal achievement

Many studies have demonstrated and practising mindfulness meditation in brief daily intervals can positively impact and improve our level of concentration.

Improved relationships

We can improve and deepen our relationships by being more fully present with each other. By focusing, we improve our communication through engaged listening.

This goes for our relationships with others and our relationship with ourselves.

Your why …

Although I’ve shared some of the known benefits of focusing, take time out to consider why you might want to improve your ability to focus.

Ask yourself —

Why do I want to focus?

What benefits do I want to bring into my life?

Tips on how to focus mindfully

Give yourself permission to focus

We might say we have trouble focusing on a task or activity but are we allowing ourselves the attention and dedication to do it?

If a lot seems to be happening, focusing might seem impossible. If things have slowed down, focusing might not seem worthwhile. Either way, feeling worthy of focusing is a good place to start. Give yourself permission to do it.

Make space to focus

Create a boundary of time for practising focused attention by setting a timer for 5 to 20 minutes. This is helpful if you feel busy, or if you feel like time no longer matters.

You can also think about physical space. Consider creating a special space for mediation or sitting quietly in your home. It could be a favourite chair or cushion to rest on.

Connect with sensations in your body

Take a few breaths, close your eyes or soften your gaze. Begin by noticing any sensations in your body. If you are holding tension or discomfort in your body, notice it and don’t rush to judge or need to fix it. Allow yourself to gently adjust to find more comfort.

Bring your attention back to the present moment

You might be meditating, reading an article, communicating with someone else, or just enjoying your own company. Then your focus begins to shift to another task, a challenging feeling or something else altogether.

If you notice your attention being to wander from your body or the moment, just bring your attention back without judgement, knowing space has been created for your attention. Be gentle with yourself and come back to your task and to yourself.

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